At Berry MINI, we are committed to providing excellent service. However, we recognise that sometimes things may not go as expected. When this happens, we want to hear from you so we can address your concerns promptly and use your feedback to improve our services.
If you need to make a complaint, you can contact us through the following methods:
Phone: 02081 318 302
Letter to: Quality Care Control Manager, Speed House, Green Lane, Cranford, Hounslow, TW4 6BY
To help us handle your complaint efficiently, please provide relevant details, such as your vehicle registration, any reference numbers, or information regarding any agreements related to your concern.
- Wherever possible, we will try to resolve your complaint within three business days and issue a Summary Resolution Communication.
- If we are unable to resolve the complaint within three business days, you will receive an acknowledgment within five business days of receipt of your complaint, unless we are able to investigate and fully respond within seven business days.
- We will ensure your complaint is investigated and dealt with thoroughly and fairly by the Group FCA Compliance Manager.
- Your complaint will be investigated as soon as possible, and we aim to provide a full response detailing our findings and outcome within four weeks of receipt of your complaint. If we are unable to provide a full response within four weeks, we will write to you to inform you of our progress. In this letter, we will explain when we will next contact you, which will be no later than a further four weeks from the date of this letter.
- You will be advised of our decision in a full written ‘Final Response’ to your complaint by the Group FCA Compliance Manager. The response will also include details of our investigation.
- If, after receiving our ‘Final Response’ from the Quality Care Control Manager, you are not satisfied with the outcome or how your complaint was handled, your complaint may be eligible for investigation by either the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) or the BVRLA Conciliation Service. The contact details for both services are provided below.
- In our ‘Final Response,’ we will inform you if you have the right to refer your complaint to the FOS or the BVRLA Conciliation Service. We will also include a copy of the FOS leaflet, Your Complaint and the Ombudsman, either:
- With our final written response from the Group FCA Compliance Manager, or
- With the letter sent eight weeks after we received your complaint if we are not in a position to provide a full response, explaining the reason for the delay.
The leaflet will state: “You should contact the Financial Ombudsman Service within six months of the date of our ‘Final Response’ letter.”If, however, you wish to elect the use of the BVRLA Conciliation Service you should contact the Conciliation Service in writing within four weeks of the date we issued our ‘Final Response’. The BVRLA will aim to respond to your complaint within 28 days. If you still remain dissatisfied, then you will be permitted to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service within six months of the date of the final response by the BVRLA.Note: The BVRLA is approved by Government as a Consumer ADR body under the Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes (Competent Authorities and Information) Regulations 2015. Unresolved disputes may be referred to the BVRLA by either the customer or the member involved; however, the member cannot initiate a complaint against the customer. Conciliation procedures only apply to matters arising out of the vehicle rental or leasing activities of members or leasing broker members.
Address: South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London, E14 9SRTelephone: 0845 080 1800Email: types of complaint can be considered by the Financial Ombudsman Service however, certain types may fall outside of the Financial Ombudsman Service’s scope
Website: BVRLA Making a complaint (ADR)
Address: Alternative Dispute Resolution team, BVRLA, River Lodge 6 Badminton Court Church Street, Amersham HP7 0DD.